Honing the Beginner-Level Spell Magic Arrow to Its Absolute Limit

Author: Pemopemo-san
Illustrator: Mashimasaki
Source: https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9130gf/
Bookwalker: https://bookwalker.jp/series/281592/
Find this series at Novelupdates


Albert, who had learned the beginner-level spell Magic Arrow at a young age, had the expectations of many riding on him, but he was unable to learn any other spell. 

His father was a prideful man, a noble who valued dignity above all. Albert was banished from his household, with his only saving grace being the house that was granted to him. There, he would spend nearly 10 years reading nothing but grimoires of Magic Arrow

Unbeknownst to him, however, he had broken the limits of his Magic Arrow after all his relentless training.

To a young girl named Laura despairing that she would miss her exam, Albert would say: “I’ll give you a ride there with my Magic Arrow.”

“That spell can’t go further than 50 meters, so how’re you gonna manage that?!”

This is the story of a man overcoming hardships with his uniquely strange spell and ultimately rising to become the ultimate magician⁠—all while convinced that his Magic Arrow is only slightly stronger than everybody else’s.

Bonus Chapters
EX. 1:
EX. 2:
EX. 3: